Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"That awkward moment! When you say wasnt yday's concert amazing! and your cook says yeah it was similar to his gaon-wali-orchestra"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Intuitions: your's or mine!!

Sometimes i really wonder if it's the intuition that works so very well or it's the nature of adapting so very well to the given clinical condition!
Intuitions if you ask me! 
I always used to think something magical like this really exists! 
And with legal evidence from the past the fact is well proven! 
If you strongly believe in something, if you willingly want a thing or if you think that hard and last but not the least if you truly miss something or for that matter someone...It really does happen! Don't you think so???
This piece of thought is just an opinion, i know some of you will agree and some won't! But then its just my piece of a pie!
Yeah what else! When you ask me this tricky question o course! Thinking very hard, it's always better to  go with the gut-feeling or that strong intuition! 
It's always been this way round for me! And the moments when i had just over-looked my intuitions! I regret!..
And now a days...with hell lot of changes, not being really that adaptive or that supportive or that errr! yeah! not exactly being open about things! That "bhad me jaa" kinda attitude! or who cares! what does it matter anyway to you! This rough way life's so easy! You really don't have to go through all the hardships, sadness n what else yeah! the emotional nag! yup! And in the middle of all this if you ask me whether i believe in intuitions or not! I am like! Yeah! i know there is something similar to this! Lately it used to be ma piece of believe and now it's just another strong yet ignored thought! But vaguely somehow it still lives with in and continues to prove it's very sacred way of existence!

And how about the author! 
Yeah then lemme tell you!
"The Author" still believes in " intuitions"
And she will continue to believe that behind every strong grant of wish, hides a strong intuition" 

Signing off
"The intuitive soul"