Monday, July 24, 2017

Someone once told me, write your story!
Write our, not-so-ours story!

I keep reading, re-reading the same line every now and then!
It ignites the old me!
It pushes the old me forward!

 But when you write a little too much about the pain, it eventually leaves you!
It makes these little horcruxes of you!
One at a time!
The heart always longs for what it knows it can never have!

But then isn't it how it always starts!

Your words bring back the old me

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


You can never coax a broken heart

You can never mend a broken heart

You can never slow down the magnitude of your pain

You can never mellow down the intensity of your love

You are my driving force

You are my repulsion

Only you are not mine

I hate to love the intensity your love brings in every time

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Cognitive Dissonance

When you start reassessing your life

 Your decisiveness and your indecisiveness

 Your rights and your wrongs

 Your every selfish move and your every selfless action

 Your every empathy and your disdain

Your sympathy and your apathy

Your friendly and your condescending behavior

Your trust and your betrayal  

Your love song and your hateful scribble

Your inspiration and your hindrance

Your happiness and depression

Your calm and your fierce demeanor

It confuses me sometimes
It worries me sometimes
It eats me up sometimes

But then sometimes are sometimes
But then sometimes are not everytime

Cognitive Dissonance