Saturday, April 23, 2016

What women know!

A girl knows whom to keep
A lady knows whom not to keep

A girl knows to let go 
A lady knows how to let go

A girl knows a lot of things
A lady knows what not to know

A girl knows her friends
A lady knows her good company

A girl knows her outfit
A lady knows what makes her a lady

A girl knows her decisions
A lady knows which one to stand for

For sure a girl knows many things
Because it is later that girl becomes a  "LADY"

# Strange thoughts
# Ageing wisely

Friday, April 15, 2016

It is so bad that even Enrique Iglesias, cannot bury the dead!

Me and my broken head

Me and my broken head....
We always have the same conversations
We always end up with  similar conflicts
We always carry the same burden 
We always have the same questions

And like always, there's no rest!
And like always, there's no perfect answer!
And like always, there's no end!

# old set of mails
And it always triggers the switch button
And it always drags me down to hell

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What is good for me, might be enough for you!

And just like that we concluded, the "chip" is missing!

If I never get to see you
If I never get to hear you
If I never get to feel you

What if I have already felt, what needs to be felt...

I always question my thoughts.
I often doubt my own believes.
I always question my faith.
I often doubt my intentions.

How often have you felt this way?
How often have you been blind by the goodness?
How often have you been anxious?

Is it the insecurity?
Is it the jealousy?
Is it the success?
Is it the pain?
Is it you?
Is it just me?

I have one question for you, is it fair to let one fly high, when you know the ground is not green grass?

I have one question for you, is it fair to let one put up a show, when you know the show wasn't good enough?

But then what is good enough! What is good for me, might be enough for you!

The rhythm of life goes on and on...More to come and less to go..

Is it fine to be jealous?
Is it okay to be insecure once in a while?
Is it all right to break free from the calm composed self?
Is it nice to get all jittery sometimes?

All this, putting up in front of the world, Is it worth it?
All this, showing off the disturbed side of me, Is it appropriate?
All this, plating it as you think it is, Is it rational?

But in the end, it all comes down to inner peace...Inner peace is what keeps me sane...But I don't mind embracing insanity for the nth time.

Sometimes I just wonder whether inner peace is all I want?
Don't you need more than just that?
You are no Buddha!

We all search for something to validate us! At least we trick our minds to think this way!
I thought I had tricked mine into believing in something that wasn't real. 

But then in the end,
I only want my mind, heart and soul to validate me.
To validate my existence
To validate my inner demons 
To validate my outer angels

Deeply disturbing thoughts
Kafka once said "Don't edit your own soul according to fashion."

But can you actually, edit the soul?
Your soul
My soul

I think of it as a challenging task!

And they always say "nothing is impossible"

# Midnight sleep onset insomnia thoughts