I often ask my self a question. Am i happy? Does this make me happy? Will i be happy?
And before i indulge into anymore talking, let me Google what happiness is exactly? So, let's see what Dalai Lama has to say, according to him "Happiness is not something that is ready made, It comes from your own actions"
So putting into my words, it is something you cultivate not something you buy...for that matter you acquire it..
It is something continuous and at the same time it is very stagnant!
It is very strong and at the same time it is very fragile!
So how will you find a strong ground for holding your happy thoughts together in a nut-shell? I haven't ask many people this question but i have asked some of my close friends.
One of them said, that she is 75% happy and the rest 25% she is not sure and ended the conversation with a confused smile. Like forever, she asked me why did i suddenly pop this peculiar question up? So yes we are not interested in the rest of the conversation but what exactly my point is are you 100% happy or do you really believe that a person can be 100% happy? Errr! for that matter can we actually rate happiness??? I ask you this question?? Do you have any answers?
Well being a woman and an author i have an opinion ... Cos women! They have opinion about everything, some say it aloud and some say it in their minds....
You can choose to cling to any part of the bar diagram.. yeah coming back to the main stream! Happiness!
I don't understand whether being philosophical or being scientific will fetch me an answer but i can always try being one of them and in case it doesn work then obviously i will merge philosophy with science! So how about that?? Well let's get hold of the scientific fact of being a happy person. According to a renowned doctor, happiness is a state of mind in which our thinking is pleasant a good share of time". Some researchers have also pointed out that body secretes something called as happy hormone......I don't how many of you will agree to this but i partly agree and partly disagree. Why i choose to disagree? What i feel it varies from person to person. It depends on a person, how they deal with what life has to offer.
Say for instance a poor is also happy and a rich is also happy, what matters is how good they feel about themselves and how beautifully they accept life.Lets's say....am not saying this on my own, this is a well known fact, the amount of expectations, failures, success, anger, jealousy, ego and love all differ from mind to mind! Human mind is very complicated, the way it perceives things and the way it treats life is a complete contradiction. So all these seven elements and many more to the list cost us our happiness. Even being rich will not bu you happiness, even being poor will not cost you your piece of happiness! It all depends how you react or how you choose to or how you should! These "expectations" always engulf you! Expectations kill your happiness or they build you happiness! And for that matter say you are unhappy and you think the moment you give up your expectation the very second moment you are happy, well my dear ones that is not the exact truth cause you can't really give up on all the expectations! (try it if you can, and if you can then please share the experience). The next person whom i interviewed was my very own life! If i look back into my own life, few years back i was a very proud owner of a happy-go-lucky-no-regrets self! But as life moves on and throws light on 51 shades of complete awkwardness, there were moments i have regretted, there were moments i had felt so happy like there was no tomorrow, some moments i wanted to hang myself and the list goes on... But what i have learnt is no matter what comes your way, you have to stand up for yourself and fight! No matter whether you win or loose, it is always for your own good , cause everything happens for a reason. I will also admit that people plan, plan their whole life and some have figured it out that what exactly they want from life and they try to follow the same regimen...And they are incredibly happy but there are some people like us, who plan and plan and do every possible move to put those plans into action but somehow it goes out of fashion and follows a different stream. But what really matters is how you take up thing and how you let go of them!!!
And there was this funny incident some years back, once in a lecture class after continuous 40 mins of giggling one of my lecturer scolded my beautiful friend yeah the cancerian! She said something like this" what are so happy about or why are you giggling so much" smiling my friend replied, its simple am just so happy.....Life continues to surprise you in many more ways...It's always how you take it...
Once i was a person who was afraid of letting go of things, afraid of the heart break and what i was more afraid of was what if i make the person unhappy! But trust me with so much things going around and growing up with certain factual stories, i have learnt to fall out of it with completely no regrets in the end...
Kyunki" kaun mera mera, kya tu lage, kyun tu bandhe maan ke maan se dhaage, bas chale na kyun mera tere agee"
And while writing this particular post i have found out something, that it all depends on how early you come out of your depression! How clever you are and what you choose to let go! Happiness is something you learn with time, you cultivate.. It's never a thing that will choose you rather you have to pick it up. You have to dehypnotize yourself and get int those shoes of happiness.
Choose to let go of the wrong things and you are happy!
Choose to cling to the right things and you are unhappy!
Learn to differentiate what is actually right for you and what it rightfully yours, choose happiness cause it will never choose you!
The mystery always wraps n unwraps!
Life's unsolved mysteries