Friday, February 17, 2017


When does an Ex becomes an "Ex"  ???

If you let them haunt you!
If you keep them real close!
If you let them in your life!
If you let them crawl back to you!

If you let them, to do what it is that they do!
Will they be called an "Ex" ??
Or just some regular lauv, that keeps coming back to you!
Cause you are the best!

Ex's and Oh's

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I am someone who prefers a black and white picture of a rose than the colored one!
I don't know what it makes me!

The Second Opinion!

You grow old every day! That is something....well let's not go there!

The more I am growing older and complicated, the more I am realizing the fact that you cannot possible do everything on your own. I don't know whether its a good thing or a bad thing. And with years passing by, you have only one opinion to count upon! Your own! But sometimes my friend, you need a second opinion on things, on life and on your own insights!

Sometimes you are not quite enough
Sometimes you are quite not your self
Sometimes you are not your self-reminder
Sometimes reminder isn't quite enough to count upon
Sometimes sleeping on things isn't the right thing

Being a single child, I have been looked upon as a lonely, reserved well spoiled brat! They have often given/ rather asked this generic question, wouldn't it be nicer to have one another person! A sibling! 
Well, I have always not given them what they wanted! A suitable more appropriate answer! Cause its not! And I am used to get things done my way! When you don't know how to feel, you won't miss a thing! And the world has never bothered me with its insecurities! My laid-back self has always been enough for me! I have been raised this way! Call me a self-centered person, but I take my own decisions! I am proud of me!

But yes! With friends getting away and with geographical difference, I do miss a second opinion sometimes! I long for it! It would be nice to have one when needed!

Probably this longing will do something extraordinary to me!
Probably it will make me feel what the society wants me to feel!
Probably it will make a usual normal person!

Then there's this question! Will I loose myself in the process!

I definitely have a list of people to have second opinion on second opinions!
What dawned on me is that I have always have had a woman's perspective on life! But with passing time and change of my company, probably you do need a man's take on things as well. 

Its like  they say- "What you cannot see, they catch it off-guard!"

Early morning mood swings