Saturday, September 8, 2012

They say expectations kill you!
What if you can't give it up!

And even you think you have given up on them, you tend to loose your control!
And after years of stinging yourself with the pain finally you let go!

But just then an angel arrives!
Says! Let it go! Embrace the mother earth!
Let your emotions flow!
 So as angels are for real so you just let go!
With that faith
With that trust
With that hope 
You move on or at least try to!

But then what happens!
It happens!
Slowly and swiftly!
And the sting comes back!
You flush out the thoughts!
But yet again you open the Pandora's box of pain and pleasure!
And what happens! The same old thing starts to eat you!
I just wonder whether it's all in my head or it's in my senses!
It's all so blue!
It's all so red!
It's all so grey!
But it's not green!

Where are you!
Show me the path!
Show me the light!
Put an end to the darkness!

or else find me someone who can!

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