Sunday, April 12, 2015

Survival of the fittest

What is your strategy of survival?
How do you survive?

Yeah I know, I usually ask questions! A lot of them! But then who doesn't? 
Yup as I was saying, what is your strategy?
I can simply say, I have my own way of dealing with things and cut the crap! Done. Finished. But then that won't make it to a post! So let me fill you up with whatsoever!

The world is full of people. A variety of them. Few I have already met and befriended and few I have met and unfriended and few I have to still meet. Nothing is enough! So I keep venturing.....

A close friend, at least I would like to think so...She is...Well she is the kind who makes it all about herself...No matter what you are going through or the person just sitting opposite to her....How much ever you try to drag her to your world, she somehow manages to make up her own bubble...It is sometime funny how our phone conversation ends...We hit it off like normal people do, but every time it ends up like I mentioned.... I am definitely not complaining and I am definitely not bitching about her but what surprises me is how the same thing happens to me every time.... Is it because I am a poor conversationalist or is it because my tendency to stop talking when the other person is! Or is it because people talk about their lives to survive in this world??

People like me, we tend to keep our thoughts to self... Not imposing the issues on anyone. Not portraying it on anyone...Killing it within. Believing that it will all go away one day! But what I feel you know, sometimes you have to speak up...Sometimes silence kills your problems and sometimes it turns them golden brown like oil does to  onion rings when fried for longer time.... 

There are some people, who don't want to talk about it! It's like skipping the meals, you thing you will loose some weight but ultimately end up over eating... But then sometimes you don't overeat and you loose that stubborn weight... I guess it depends on the person or for that matter the problem....It always depends on you, how fast you row to keep floating on the top of the problem.

Sometimes when everything else is difficult, we choose to maintain a safe distance.... Distance makes a heart grow fonder and distance makes a heart forget things...good  and bad things... Yes i will definitely say...distance! It works! It works so goood! finger-licking goooood! (wink)

And there a few, when it hits, it hits them hard..Things that happens to them, you cannot even imagine...not even in your dreams... Bad things happen to good people.. It is so true...The pain of going through one, chokes me up every night.... I can't seem to overcome the pain... I just wonder was that the wrath of god or blessings of god? Why he had to take away the angel that he had sent to earth... Sometimes there are no answers...Some question fade away unanswered... How are these people going to survive? And people like me... I feel terrible...I cannot even say comforting words... The survival strategy is unknown...

Few people well most of them leave it to god! Sometimes I wonder where is god! Or who is god! Some might even curse me for even letting my mind have such doubts...But its not a doubt and  its not even a believe, its just that I think a lot may be! Look at me! There was a time I never used to think so much! I used to speak my mind! But I have changed for good! I have been even told that I don't think things through! How ironic!

No matter what my strange mind thinks I do pray regularly. I would not definitely say that I am a religious person, cause I am not but I would definitely agree that I say my last prayers every night... And while doing so, I think of you! Not while but may be after..Whatever! You get my point! Every morning I light the lamp, I chant mantras, I pray for myself and I pray for my loved ones. But you know what god is, he is faith. He is that light at the end of the tunnel. He is that faith that everything happens for a reason. He is the faith that keeps you going!

Once a very close friend said to me " Gurl! You have become an escapist!" At first it didn't register! I take time to process. After few repeats, it had hit me...I kept thinking about what he said. And after few days I asked him the same question, why did you say that? You know what was his reaction...He laughed at me and dismissed the question as if it was nothing... May be it was nothing or may be it was something... I don't know..But the whole point of writing the whole story is, people survive by dismissing things..It makes it a lot easy I guess...

Well it happens to everybody and it hits you every time you take a turn. But will you stop living? 

May the mighty one survive
May the strong one thrive
May you live longer
May I live happily ever after

1 comment:

deeps said...

that i guess is the right question to start anything