Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It all starts with something!

The conversation always starts with" We will become mad someday, if we continue like this"

And I always correct her, re framing the words I always say" We are already".

Like i always say, it is not always about you!

You have been living here, deep down in my subconsciousness and in my writings.
Yes you get me all chocked up! But today is not about you!

Yeah! As I was saying, "we" discuss. We talk. We bitch. We share. We cry. We support each other. We laugh. We smile. We salute. We do what we are good at. We do what we are bad at.

But there are somethings you never discuss

But there are failures you don't discuss
But there are secrets you never spill
But there are stories you never tell
But there is agony you never express
But there are regrets you never show
But there is pain you hide it

You hide, because you don't want the pity

You hide, because you don't want the sympathy
You hide, because you don't want empathy
You hide, because you don't want to breakdown again
You hide, because you don't want to drag them into your sea

Yeah Your sea! Yeah I have my own sea! Everyone has one!

It is where you hide the deepest thoughts!
The thoughts that bother you! The thoughts that compel you!
The ideas that hang you! The ideas that disgust  you!

The long you hide, the more you suppress and the more you resent it, it sits deep inside you. That's what we call "pain". 

Pain, what the books define is an unpleasant sensation triggered by any stimuli. Yeah of course, we suffer often. We suffer because, we let it pass through. We suffer because, we get it into us.

I quote" Some say the world will end in fire,
              Some say the world will end in ice.
              For what I've tasted of desire
              I hold with those who favor fire.
              But if it had to perish twice,
              I think I know enough of hate
              To say that for destruction ice
              Is also great
              And would suffice.

My favorite lines by "Robert Frost".

And some how it fits also. Anyways cold never bothered me and fire always smothered me.
Let's get into your shoes!
Pain! Can be a physical condition, can be an emotional condition or it can be mental also.
As long as you acknowledge it, who cares!
And I don't know how many of you are aware of a "psychogenic pain". yeah it exists. 
I have suffered, i have seen people suffering from it and i will see in future.
It is something you can't kill.
It is something you can't get over.
It is there. It bothers you. 

Psychogenic pain, is a type of physical pain that either arises, prolongs or increases with increase in your intensity of emotional disturbances. What are the common types- headache.
And Headache- i feel may be the cerebral blood vessels are not well made, to handle that much stress, that many thoughts. They simply explode! And give you the best ever headaches you ever had, making your day! as studies say, it can occur due to social rejection, love sickness, grief, loss, any emotional vacuum.
And of course the other common forms are-backache and stomach ache.

Even my yoga teacher says, the more you hide it, the worse it gets. You need a vent. A vent for all your disappointments. But then again venting out is always not a good idea. 
But you are sensible enough to sense the right things. So do it, but do it nicely!

Do it for you!
Like I do it for me! But in my case, i shut down the system!

Someone told me, he could hear happiness
Someone told me, he could sense the silence
Is the pain making me numb
Is the pain blinding my perceptions
or Am I just wrong?
or Am I doing the only thing that is wrong!

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