Wednesday, February 14, 2018


I wonder is it because my faith is complicated or I am too proud to accept that fact that I am a believer! It always baffles me though, why do you have to be believer  to follow the meticulous rules formed by our forefathers. 
Isn't he omnipresent!
Isn't he within us!
Isn't he a she and she a he!
Isn't it that our intentions, our faith and our prayers matter!

Then why are we forced to follow the rules! 
Then why do we the daily mundane things in an extravagant way!
Why can't I be a one who prays not who worships!
But then you know to fit in, you have to do it their way!
That is why they call you a rebel when you drift away!
That is why they call  you a non-believer when you don't preach what is expected from you!

Sometimes I think may be I am a little agonistic!
Sometimes I know I am sceptic!
Sometimes I know I have a conflicted mind and troubled heart!
It takes me along! It drags me up!

Am I an agnostic because I search for logic ?
Is anyone is truly an agnostic?
Isn't having faith is all you need? 
Isn't faith is what drags you  through life?
Will that make you agnostic?

I won't say I am religious!
I know I have had my phases of believe and disbelieve!
I won't say I am spiritual!
But I know I am logical and being a logical person has it perks!

And I have faith in you!
This is how I made me! This is how you made me! 


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