Monday, June 20, 2011

A shadow or reflection!

Bleeding soul
Broken beat
Charging goals
Anguished emotions

One dark night
One calm tornado
One drenched thought
One continuous end

An old white house
An rusty window pane
A swampy floor
A rugged stripped bed

With every evidence of liveliness
With freshness of air

There nested a lonely shadow
Crawling on the benchmark of his expectations
Killing the loneliness of the the house
Starring into the darkness
Destroying the optimism of positiveness

Suddenly out of that pessimism of negativeness
Born was a bright blue soul
Tantalizing the non-existence of contentment
Chasing each breathe of evil
Clearing out the clouds of sadness

And here takes birth a newfangled life!
Racing with the flow of water
Conquering the speed of light 
Drenched with supreme happiness
Killing the shadow 
Making it a reflection!

Don't be a shadow
Be a reflection!


Chinmoyee said...

lucky it is great.i am really happy.keep it up

Devasrita said...

Thank you very much Aunty :)