Monday, November 25, 2013

You don't always look for answers!

I often think what is that urge, that compels you to do something for someone.
I very often think that why is that when we do something for someone it makes us happy.
Is it because they deserve every bit of it or is it because you wanted it to do for you?

Do you do certain things in life to serve your soul purpose in life?
Do you perform a task just because you think it’s your duty?

Do you fulfill a wish because that's what you want or that's because the other person needs you to?
But then needs and wants are two different entities? I need a thing. I want a thing.
If i need, i make it happen.
If i want, i wait for it to happen.
But then do you always wait for the right time? There is no right time though.
There were times when we used to wait for the right time. There were times when I waited for the right time to conjure the truth!

Sometime back a good friend told me, when you do something for someone that's because there is reason behind it and at some point of time you expect them to do the same.

Even I have had my years of soul searching. Not every time you ask a question you know it will be answered. Not every time you have a doubt you know it will be cleared. Not every time you are in a dilemma, you will find a way.

Someone once told me, I do it because it is my duty.
Someone once told me, I do it because I want to.
Someone once told me, I do it because that’s what is expected of me.
What puts me in a strange place is when I try to correlate the series of events.
Why, why, and why.

Are duty and wants correlated?

Is expectation a part of performing a task?

Is duty a part of a daily ritual?

There are too many questions. There are too many answers.
There were too many questions.
There will be more and more of it.
Not always I was searching for an answer.
Not always I want an answer.
But little did I know, you are capable of answering each and every one of them.
Little did you know, that particular night
Little did you know, that exact time
I wasn't looking for an answer.
I just wanted to be heard.
Because some truths are easier when hidden.

Whether to repent or rejoice!
Whether to release or recapture!


A.M. said...

Answers!!There are always umpteen answers we are looking for..answers which we know, but still want, answers which we dont know, answers which we dont want to know, answers which we never get to know, answers which if known would have made life good, answers which are better not known, answers which you know, when you know will rip you apart, but you still want to know and much more. But no matter, whichever the case may be, the question is what starts the issue.And the question arises out of nothing else, but expectations. The sole purpose and probably duty of any human being, as u talked about, is to make self happy in whatever way possible. That is upto individual, how he does it, by making someone happy or killing someone's happiness. And indeed the right time is always now!! For anything and everything!! Or else you just "take up your time" making your own perception of justifying your definition of right time and sadly enough, it eats away the real right time, which is always NOW. Yes, we expect and expect a lot, sometimes we make it known and sometimes we conceal themselves within the questions for so long, that they get buried in the grave and with it, they eat away a part of us. And the funny thing is we know it will and we let it do it, coz at some moment it is practical.Now that sounds contradictory..But rational thinking suggests that you shouldn't be the only one answering, when questions keep firing from the other side, the other side of the world bears some responsibilty too.Just as I say, you need two hands to clap. And as far as a bit o enlightment on answers are concerned, you are always welcome :P:P

Devasrita said...

Please do me a favour :P Enlighten me :D

Now i am falling short of words! Whatever happens doesn't even matter if start defining how rational or how logical a question is or how satisfying an answer is. Yeah the fact we need two hands to clap is so very true. But what if i don't want my questions to be answered :P