Thursday, July 14, 2016

Found the old me

I am sceptical. Always there's some part of me that wants to scream out loud. 

But then there is that
But then there is that thought 
That clogs me down
That drags me down

I haven't felt this way in a long time
Long time isn't long enough

Even I can be happy
Even I can be happier with people around
Even I can still be me within the crowd
Even I can go back to being the same warm person

Yes cold never bothers me
Yes warmth always scares me
Yes the old me is emotional
Yes the new me is stone cold
Yes I like the new me

Sometimes in the middle of no where, you realise that you have healed
Sometimes in the middle of a road, you hear your own thoughts
Sometimes in the middle of a conversation, you experience deja-vu
Sometimes in the middle of a trip, you get to clear your head

I find myself short for words
I find myself being cautious over being expressive
I find myself at a place where I am afraid to bare my soul
But I have found myself
 But I have found the old me

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